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AHMM Summer School visits Assembly Bristol

At the end of July, architects Allford Hall Monaghan Morris took six Summer School students aged 16-18 on a tour of a number of sites across Bristol, including Buildings B and C. The tour was led by Adam Burgess, Associate Director at AHMM and one of the team who worked on the design of Assembly Bristol.

The annual AHMM Summer School is a week’s intensive experience that supports young people in developing skills and knowledge, and to decide if they are interested in becoming an architect. The AHMM team acts as mentors, contributing their specialist knowledge to the programme, which covers sustainability, architectural drawing and model making, and digital design. Visiting a site or building is always a crucial part of this experience.

The topic for this year’s Summer School was ‘Children’s right to the city’. The students - who came from a number of schools across Bristol - needed to consider the role of children in the city by making and exploring how communities can reclaim space to play, learn and grow.

Buildings B and C were a highlight for the students, particularly the planting and views from the roof terraces.

Photos by Rosy Jones on behalf of AHMM.

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